The Ultimate Gripping System
What exactly are NEOS?
They’re not galoshes and they’re definitely not rubber wellingtons.
In fact, they're like nothing you've ever seen before.
NEOS Overshoes® are designed to be worn right over your everyday footwear. They are versatile, reliable, easy to pack, and easy to slip on and off. A handy pair in the car boot will see you through any unpredictable weather.
Where did they come from?
As the phrase goes, "necessity is the mother of invention". The necessity behind NEOS was a messy, winter storm over New York City in 1993.
Woody Nash, a typically well-dressed bond trader, arrived at his office with shoes, socks, and everything below the knee thoroughly soaked through with grey, Manhattan slush. He muddled through the day wearing the soiled clothing and, against his better fashion judgment, bought a pair of unsightly galoshes for the commute home. No sooner did he approach the subway, than the smooth rubber bottoms promptly sent him skidding down the stairs. By the time he arrived uptown, the flimsy material was torn and flopping about his foot. Woody fumed thinking, "There has got to be a better way".
That evening, he spoke to a friend, Scott Hardy, and recounted his frustration. Scott, an entrepreneur and outdoor enthusiast, lived in snowy Vermont. If there were a better version of the overshoe, he would know about it. If not, he could create one.
Like many great inventions, the first NEOS was sketched on a napkin and assembled in a garage. Scott stitched a lugged sole to a mountaineering gaiter and sent it off to NYC for Woody's testing.
Upon receiving the new overshoes, Woody boldly embarked on his commute. Serendipitously, a "storm of the century" was pounding the streets of New York and provided an unforgiving proving ground. As one person after another stopped to express interest in the homespun overshoe and Woody boasted of his dry, toasty feet, a business opportunity crystallized. New England Overshoe Company (NEOS) was born.
What makes them so good?
Woody Nash, a typically well-dressed bond trader, arrived at his office with shoes, socks, and everything below the knee thoroughly soaked through with grey, Manhattan slush. He muddled through the day wearing the soiled clothing and, against his better fashion judgment, bought a pair of unsightly galoshes for the commute home. No sooner did he approach the subway, than the smooth rubber bottoms promptly sent him skidding down the stairs. By the time he arrived uptown, the flimsy material was torn and flopping about his foot. Woody fumed thinking, "There has got to be a better way".
That evening, he spoke to a friend, Scott Hardy, and recounted his frustration. Scott, an entrepreneur and outdoor enthusiast, lived in snowy Vermont. If there were a better version of the overshoe, he would know about it. If not, he could create one.
Like many great inventions, the first NEOS was sketched on a napkin and assembled in a garage. Scott stitched a lugged sole to a mountaineering gaiter and sent it off to NYC for Woody's testing.
Upon receiving the new overshoes, Woody boldly embarked on his commute. Serendipitously, a "storm of the century" was pounding the streets of New York and provided an unforgiving proving ground. As one person after another stopped to express interest in the homespun overshoe and Woody boasted of his dry, toasty feet, a business opportunity crystallized. New England Overshoe Company (NEOS) was born.
What makes them so good?
NEOS has been a leader in overshoe products as one of the first brands to offer a lightweight solution to providing an extra level of protection, insulation, and traction. They are made from highly durable nylon which has been specially treated inside and out to provide 100% waterproof protection. A unique design that makes them easy to get on and off, fits orthopaedic and custom footwear, easy to clean with some warm soapy water, and although they may not look it, they will keep you warm.

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